The following pictures are found in the Rudge Bicycles 1887 catalog along with the excerpts associated with each picture.
< The Rudge Safety
"We have made this machine built especially for American roads, and our readers will find that the RUDGE SAFETY is, as its name implies, a bicycle combining the SAFETY OF A TRICYCLE with SPEED and EASE of a bicycle."
"The principal improvements for 1887 are the improved method of attaching the front forks by two bolts to the lower extension fork and the new lower double ball bearing, which does away with all side shake." |
< The Rudge Racer
"The Rudge Racer is so well and favorably known among both English and American riders and racing men that we need not dwell to any great length on its merits. It is sufficiently to say that it is unquestionably holds the premier position, not only in England, France, Germany, Spain, Australia, but in the United States, as well.
Its success for the past year in this country is unparalleled, and it will be a long while before the times, records, and distances made on the RUDGE will be equaled."
Prices of Rudge Light Roadster
48 inch wheel: $130
60 inch wheel: $145 |
Summary of Points in the Rudge Light Roadster for 1887:
BEARINGS: Rudge's unequaled ball bearings to both wheels and pedals.
SADDLES: Townsend patent.
STEERING HEAD: Long centre; Andrews patent.
HANDLE BARS: Hollow weldless steel tubing, cow horn shape.
SPOKES: Single tangent, riveted at the hub, and attached at the rim with long tube nipples. HANDLES: Spade handles; detachable and perfectly adjustable.
RIMS: Clement hollow; made in one piece without brazing.
DUST SHIELD: Perfectly tight, with means for oiling head.
FORKS AND BACKBONE TUBING: Very finest cold-drawn weldless steel.
STEP: Latest pattern adjustable safety.
CRANKS: Long, 6 inch throw.
TIRES: Finest para rubber; especially manufactured for American roads.
PEDALS: Rudge's ball tapered pin; warranted not to break. Corrugated rubbers.
FINISH: Two styles - Standard: all nickel with the exception of the backbone, forks, spokes, and rim. Extra: all nickeled but rims and spokes.

"I am more and more pleased with my Rudge Light Roadster; the more I ride it, I am convinced that there is not a machine on the market that runs more easily. I put my wheel to a severe test not long ago by taking a quick run over a rocky road, and not a nut or bolt was loosened, so far as I know."
- Joseph R. Wilson, Clarksville, Tenn.
"I am much pleased with my 53 inch Rudge Light Roadster. Its faults are few, and its virtues many. Among the latter are great rigidity, ease of propulsion, and quickness to respond to pressure on the pedals. I have taken pleasure in recommending it to many wheelmen this year."
- Henry W. Williams, Boston, Mass.
"I have ridden a Rudge LIght Roadster, and am proud of the machine. There is not any other make of machine in the market that I would exchange it for."
- W.M. Allen, New York, NY